Wednesday, November 03, 2004

quitters never win

I sat down here to write. and I am dumbfounded, hence the previous post. However, a mother whose son is right now fighting in Iraq came to me and said, "What really upsets me, is that I took all this time to get [my son] registered, and his and all those young people's vote isn't even being counted. It's as if the people think that it's OK to send them over there, to get their arms and legs blown off - but their vote doesn't count. Their voice isn't heard."

Is there a dry eye?

Other than that, I'm pretty numb. I feel like I should be spending the day making contingency plans (hello, Canada!) or maybe just sleeping under a huge pile of blankets. I feel like I've been used and cheated and lied to (ha, as if that's not a familiar feeling.) and Yes, a little bitter I suppose. I really thought that my fellow countrymen were smarter than this. That the people have more compassion and common sense than this. That the people had risen to speak our peace, and in turn bring peace upon us. Apparently it is not to be so.

I feel defeated. and fear is upon me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you. Quitter's never win.

So it's time to start saying what you're feeling again.

You haven't posted since Nov. '04?

Let it out man, let it out.

(Here by way of Cher).


10:09 AM  

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