Thursday, November 04, 2004

REM Cycles

It was just as hard to get to sleep last night. I think it's probably because I spent most of the day yesterday trying to wake up from this living nightmare. The world's been turned upside down and we now live in Topsy-Turvey land. Welcome to the evil Empire of Bush.

I've had a lot of zany ideas about what to do in response to this fumbled election. I thought about walking to DC in protest -- but I figure I probably wouldn't get there until about February, and it's real cold outside. So, instead, I thought that I might ride a donkey. maybe a donkey pulling a dead elephant. That would definitely take a little help from the man upstairs. I also thought about writing a letter to the president, offering him my stake in the country. I mean, if he's going to do everything he can to remain in power, then the man may as well declare himself dictator. After that, I'm moving to Canada. or Belize. yeah, Belize would be pretty nice this time of year. Plus, when Armegeddon starts. . . I don't want to be around here. ;)

Truthfully though, my greatest hope lies in the fact that good ole Bush will probably have himself a nice little vacation now that the campaign is over. Maybe he'll take a couple of months off and give the world a moment to breath and catch up with itself. I know that we could all use a month or two to stock up on can goods and bottled water. It's sure going to be hell when the persecution and head choppin' starts and I for one want to be prepared to go live in a cave until this whole thing blows over.

All in all, I feel pretty good today. after all. . . .

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it,
and I feel fine. . . .



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