Friday, August 28, 2009

Merry Go Round from Hell

I've just finished reading this blog from the get go. 

It makes me afraid to write here.  :ninja:

But I'm going to do it anyway. 

See you tomorrow. (maybe)


Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's like riding a bicycle

It's been a long time since I've put any thoughts in this space, but in looking for some place to blog I realized that it would be easiest to write here.

Even with no job life has been rather full. Knowing that I was going to have to rent a storage space, I did my best to rid myself of all the unnecessary junk that fills up our apartments and minds. There is still a lot to go through, but once it's all sorted I'm going to have a little sale and whatever is left over is going to a local charity. I couldn't believe the amount of clothes I've gathered over the last however many years - nearly as many boxes as the books (which did not get sorted but all put into storage.) Leave it to me to end up shirtless but have plenty to read.

This week has been particularly hectic - my Great Grandfather, Eddie went into the hospital with a serious infection. He had a procedure done a week or so ago to have his gall bladder and bile duct checked out and while they were inside of him the doctors decided to place a temporary stent in the duct to allow gallstones to pass. It was a fairly uninvasive procedure done with a scope and a light anesthetic, but being 98 years old pretty much any surgery, no matter how simple, can be a matter of life and death. He ended up septic when the stent collapsed and bile started leaking somehow into his corrolary systems and eventually into the blood. He was put on a heavy antibiotic on Sunday, and then Tuesday the doctors removed the colllapsed stent and replaced it with a larger, stronger one. He was up and talking (asking for food) after the procedure and has since been moved from ICU. I know that I'm lucky to have even known one of my great-grandparents. The old man has always said that he's going to live to see 100 -- I hope that he's right.

So that's the doldrums of my life right now. I've been reading a lot and otherwise filling the void with the internets and reruns of CSI on cable. If I get a bit of alone time later maybe I'll share some of the pen and ink that I've been working on these last few days.

Oh, and watch mom! No hands!