Monday, August 16, 2004

Long-lost, forgotten

It was a good weekend, past. Friday night Chica, GMoney and I went down to Jay and Kristen's to say goodbye to Riley (Jay's younger brother) who has left to finish school in Oxford. It was a great time, really -- surrounded by people who are my friends and who are so creatively talented is always a good time. We usually drink a bit and play some music. From time to time we'll get some work done on whatever projects are brewing between the group. One thing that we've definitely learned is in a group that diverse, everyone has something to add. No idea must be discarded, but analyzed and rejected with sound reason and judgement. heh.

Saturday was an entirely different story. My parents and siblings were supposed to come up for the day, namely because it was alumni day at the state fair. This is an event that my family hasn't missed in the last nine years. And, it's something that I feel really proud about, seeing as it is a bit of family tradition that was inspired by yours truly. I spend the night bunked at Chica's house and so I was afraid that I had missed them in the morning (and perhaps my chance to visit the fair) but to my great surprise my father left late instead of early (::shocker::). I'm terribly impatient when it comes to something that I've been anticipating for any length of time. So I did the time killer dance around my apartment, picking up little bits here and placing them over there. I also did the dishes, swept the kitchen floor, proceded to mop, and got a load of laundry done. All in all it was a productive morning. When we finally got the the fair we had a blast! It was such a blessed day, meeting and catching up with old friends, hanging out with the fam, eating lots of great (not great for you) fairfood, and the singing -- that was the best part. Surprisingly, even after four years of being totally out of a choral setting, I picked up fantastically. My choral did a set of 8 numbers and then a finale with 5 pieces that everyone knew. It was a blast.

Upon leaving the fair Justin and I decided to go back to my place, drink a few brews and do some reminiscing/catching up. Back in the day we were the best of friends and it seems like everytime we see one another we pick up without missing a single beat. Even though he is a husband and daddy now - it's like we're still sixteen, telling the same raunchy jokes and laughing until 3 in the morning. We lots of fun, drank lots of beer, told loads of stories whilst shooting some darts. Chica came over towards the end of the night to regale us with her tales of a dinner gone bad (it was a family event, teehee.) And in the morning I was left to a Sunday of relaxation and recompense. Actually, I spent all day with Chica -- we had lunch and watched Moulin Rouge and had dinner and went for a walk around the lake at Amstil Park. All ready to come back to work on Monday and have a bunting good time.

Well, off to see if I can get these pictures loaded. wish me luck!


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