Thursday, July 29, 2004

The Next Day Blues

Friday.  The land of milk and honey.  The end of the week.  Hours filled with sleep and drinking and then more sleep.  Time to clean the house and time to clean our hearts.  It is the weekend, and it's fast approaching. 

BUT, it's not quite here.  I'm stuck in the middle of the Thursday -- and I can tell that it's going to be one hell of a long day.  You have to figure -- I've been at work for only three hours so far.  That means that I have no less than six to go.  And GMoney said that he would be done today at five, but I know that man's a down and out liar.  He'll be pegging away on his keyboard til the wee hours of the night.  There will be no time left for cocktails.  No time left for recooperation.  That boy is a workaholic, in spite of my various attempts to innocently derail his productivity.  Plus, he's my ride home, so I can't leave work until he's ready to go.  OH, suuuure.  I could walk over and catch the 5:20 bus, but that fucker doesn't get me home until 6:30.  I may as well sit around here until 7 so that we can all go and get a burger and some beer after work.  

After that, who knows? 

It is Thursday night -- the most anticipated night in television programming.  Unfortunately all the classics have laid up their gloves and it's summer.  There's never any good programming on during the  summer months.  The Family Guy is on tonight, with a special introduction by the creator himself, Seth McFarlane.  That dude is frickin hilarious.  It's a bit better when you're on some good drugs, so I'm definitely going to try and hold off on the consumption until about 10:30.  Then we'll see how everything is looking. 

Thursday is definitely going to be a long day.  Oh well -- at least I'm alive and well enough to enjoy it.  and tomorrow is the day of reckoning, errr. . .Friday.  Say hello to the weekend (and I already feel like I'm back in college - drinking beer, chasing tail, having a good ole time.)

Oh and go free the damn hockey chicken!  I want my shit back. 


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