Thursday, July 22, 2004

The Bush War
As much as I would like to support our commander in chief, the president of the United States of America -- I don't.  And it's not because the man lied about his intentions and motivations for taking this great nation to war, and it's not because he's done nothing to further the rights and freedoms of the everyman during his four year term in office, and it's certainly not because the man is a complete and utter baffoon - Oh, wait!  Yes it is. 

I was having my morning coffee here at work, reading through a little news when I stumbled across this seemingly innocent article at CNN : Jenna Bush Sticks out Tongue.  Like I said the article is fluff, a cute account of the president's notoriously unrestrained daughter going on the campaign trail with Daddy Bush.  What I'm not interested in is the bit of banter shared between Jenna and the media.  What I am intersted in is the last line of the article, "The Bush twins recently joined their dad on the stump for his last political campaign." (my italics)  I'm sure the author meant to say that this would be the final bout of campaigning in this election year.  However, he does not quite accomplish that feat.  What the AP writer does do is he unintentionally predicts the outcome of the election -- a full four months in advance!!! 

Now, I don't care if the Kerry/Edwards ticket gets the nod, or if by some act of God, Ralph Nader is put into the White House -- I'm just hoping the man up stairs reads the news. 


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