Monday, October 11, 2004


And no, I'm not talking about the zany, seventies television show. I've been walking around this ball of rock with a huge chip on my shoulder for the last couple of days, and for that I must apologize. It's not really my nature to have this much cynicism locked up, or rather it hasn't been my nature for many years.

I should also apologize for my last entry. I'm not going to erase it - I think it's important to chronicle the waves that we go through: the good, the bad, and the ugly - but I should have prefaced it better. The feelings that I was going through - they are something that live inside of me, something that I don't address nearly enough probably. And that's why when they come sneaking to the surface I don't know how to handle them appropriately. What can I say? I guess that we all have demons and skeletons locked tidily away in our closets.

I wish that I could say that I was feeling 100% better today, but that would be a lie. My mind is still muddled, my heart in constant ache, but I have been concentrating on breathing. I have smelled the earthy aroma that is autumn and it gives me some ease. I have knelt down and asked for guidance. for strength. for peace. And I hope that tomorrow I don't wake up and feel like everything is better - because it's not.

. . . . .

On a side note.

I was very excited to watch the presidential debates on Friday night, and when the moment had finally come and gone, I wasn't disapointed. I don't know if you can tell from our getting to know one another or not, but I'm not a very big Bush supporter. I don't like to talk politics much, as people seem to have their minds made up and their judgements drawn in stone. I'm not much a fan of our form of government (or economy for that matter) and if I didn't think such a horrible wrong had been done in the world I would not be voting come November 2nd. However, like I said - I'm not a Bush supporter.

I don't really think much of John Kerry either, but I do kind of like his VP.

I also watched Fahrenheit 9/11 this weekend. I know that Michael Moore has a slanted view. I also know that every fact in the movie has been checked and rechecked and has come out clean on the other side. I don't want to talk to you about facts. I want to talk to you about Lila Lipscomb. I want to speak to you about that Iraqi woman crying for vengeance for her dead family - vengeance against us, that is you and me - for what has become of her homeland. I want to talk to you about questionable reasoning. I want you to watch the movie and then tell me that you're voting to re-elect.

For me it all comes down to this, as I've told many of my friends: I'm not electing a president, I'm firing one. I don't like the job the current administration has done (I find it on the bounds of treason) and so I elect a new administration to come in and fuck things up for the next four years. If it weren't such a big deal to me I would be voting for Ralph Nader and the Green Party. At least that man has some sense.

So to wrap up -- go vote come November. It's your sovereign right. So do your civic duty, and send that pile of shit packing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you watched Fahrenheit 9/11, you need to watch Fahrenhype 9/11. If you don't like the US Form of Government, what keeps you in the US?

3:46 PM  
Blogger taliendo said...

You know, I don't need to watch Fahrenhype 9/11. As I said in my blog entry, I'm well aware of what a slanted view Michael Moore presents in his film. I'm well aware of the facts that have been presented and the ones that the media have continiously glazed over. I pride myself to be a pretty educated vote - otherwise I would never step up to the polls come November 2nd.

As to why I don't leave the US, well I believe in staying and being the cause of change. I would like to think that the world has the ability to open it's eyes and realize the flaws of this republic and seek to create something better. You know, democracy in it's simplist form is something that can work to a great degree, but on the scale we use it - it becomes an abused and mistreated system, much like the communistic experiments of the USSR.

my two cents. . .

(see why I don't like to talk about politics)

4:45 PM  
Blogger likearadio said...

don't worry, dan - i'm in your boat. i actually detest politics, but feel like a faithless slacker when i don't pay attention.

but i certainly do NOT like to comment on the subject online. maybe i'm too busy blathering about my own exciting life. ;)

anyway. commenting on how you'd like to change your country's government does NOT in any way beg the question 'why don't you just move.' i really hate people sometimes.

usually when i'm driving, though.

hope you're doing well, dan. i'm still reading. keep writing.

9:53 PM  
Blogger -kylie- said...

I just enjoy your journal. That's all. -k.

11:12 AM  

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