Tuesday, November 30, 2004


with Tina Fey.

heh. That woman rocks.

So, Thanksgiving was a blast. I'm not going to go into a bunch of details, but it was a lot of good family time and whatnot. I got to eat like I've never eaten before (well, at least for a couple of years) and I got to play music with Rhino and my G-pa and my little brother. We're a regular ole bluegrass band in the making.

Plus it was my five year highschool reunion this past weekend. When I first received the invitation I was pretty excited to perhaps see some of my old friends and catch up on what's been going on in their lives over the last few years. Unfortunately, none of the people that I really wanted to see showed up. Well, except Adam and his fiance Bethany. It's always good to see those kids. I did get to have a few drinks and tell the people that I didn't like in highschool that I still don't care for them (they were the same uppity bitches as I remembered them.) That pulled a few chucks from the people standing around. heh.

Yes, the weekend was good. and fast. And now it's Tuesday and I'm back at work. Back to the regular old life of work-couch-sleep.

It's a good life.


Blogger bethany said...

you actually told them you don't care for them? That is so cool! I wish I had the courage to do that. Maybe in a few years I will.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, it's not really courage. I was just being rude.

See, I was really pretty rude to everyone I didn't like in highschool, and coming back to a school function makes it pretty easy to fall into old rolls. Incendently, my roll was telling the "popular kids" that they were really worth nothing and that no one who matters really likes them.

It was a pretty fun job. heh. ;)

2:06 PM  

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