Wednesday, December 01, 2004

at the movies

My roommate and I went to a double feature last night. After all, it was 50 cent movie night at Carraige Place -- two movies for a buck. You just can't beat that.

We saw The Bourne Supremacy first. I thought it was so-so. I mean, the story was pretty much a direct continuance of the first movie, and it did avoid a lot of pitfalls that most sequals run into. But for some reason, I just didn't really get into the flic. I didn't really like the scenes where the director decided on using handhelds. A lot of the combat was so blurred that I couldn't tell who was doing the hitting and who was getting their ass kicked. The car chase at the end was filmed much of the same way. In the end, it sort of gave me a headache (which doesn't usually happen to me.) Besides the shoddy camera work, the story was weakly drawn from the Ludlum novels. This is the thing that really bugs me. If a movie doesn't have a decent story, then it's simply not worth my time or money.

Next, we went to see Garden State. I know that I'm like the only person left on the planet who hadn't seen the movie, but it was well worth the wait. Zach Braff is so damn talented it makes me sick. Plus Natalie Portman gave a great performance, it had a wonderfully compelling story and it was just plain good. Not that I don't have anything bad to say about the film. After having a night to think about the story (I even dreamt about it - sick, I know) I think that the relationship between Large and his father could have been developed a bit more. There wasn't a whole lot of information about his relationship with his mother either. I get that the character grew up in a very flat and distant family, but there's usually a little more to it than that. Even if the child were put on a Rx cocktail right after his mother's accident, he has five years of parental interaction that wasn't even touched upon. As a member of the compelled audience I can only infer that his father was distant and can infer very little about his relationship with his mom. Ah, well. Didn't mean to over analyze a perfectly good film. They don't come around all that often.

. . . . . .

And on another note:

The sun is shining today; it seems as if I haven't looked upon it's face for years. Not only does the sun's great warmth bring the temperature to just above bearable, but it plain makes me happy. My heart beams when I walk outside and into the heaven sent, gold rays.

Maybe I'm part plant.

And after this great day, I'm not entirely looking forward to winter. I mean, I am still looking forward to Christmas and spending some more time with my family, but just don't know if I can handle four months of grey and gloom. I need light! The world is so much more beautiful, more alive, when the sun is shining.

I guess I should simply be greatful for the surprise today.



Blogger Di said...

"Maybe I'm part plant."

That, my friend, is a GREAT line.

: )

I, too, dread the grayness of winter. I remember having a particularly terrible winter three years ago, and the only thing, the ONLY thing, that kept me (somewhat) sane was that, for some reason, THAT winter, we had an inordinate amount of sunshine.

Di (Lynne from the Orchard)

9:50 PM  

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