Monday, February 14, 2005

V-Day Weekend

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Even though I can't really ever remember having a v-day worth celebrating, I don't hate on this day like a lot of other people. Maybe it's because I don't really mind being single (most of the time). More than likely, it's because of my severe love for all things chocolate. And if there's anything that's guarenteed on v-day it's lots-o-choco!

So, I had a fairly entertaining weekend. GMoney and I went down to campus to see some friends. Unfortunately, they had left town unannounced (not as if they check in with us,) and rather than lament the hour bus ride we decided to make the most and check out some campus bars. Besides, it was Friday night and kind of warm, and well -- campus ladies, come on! We went to an old dive called the Out-R-Inn. Or maybe that's Out-R-In. (I'm not really sure if it's supposed to be a psuedo-motel or directional advice.) The bar was a lot of fun, seeing as I'm not that social of a person and all. We sat around there playing pool and drinking cocktails for about four hours, until I decided it was high time to run down to Flying Pizza before catching a taxi back home.

Saturday we sat around the house and watched a few movies (Collateral was amazing, while Mr 3000 was mediocre.) Later that night, we went out with our neighbor and her visiting beau from Pittsburgh to this little tavern near where we all live. Everyone was having a good time (shooting pool, again) until some ruffians decided it would be ok to crack loud remarks about the ladies who were with us. In case you didn't know my friends + liquor + tempers = a bad time. The guys in the bar were some first class assholes really, but (probably because we were being even louder) the bouncer decided to ask us to leave. Nothing bad came of it really -- we left for home and ended up drinking for another couple of hours and laughing about the whole ordeal.

Sunday was great! as I only left the house once (an only then to scrounge for food.) I watched about half of Ray before I nodded off into an afternoon slumber. When I awoke I had a night of the boobtube what with the new Simpsons on and the Grammys (Plus, AdultSwim played American Dad at 11:30 -- lucky for me since I fell asleep during the premier after the Superbowl.)

And that brings us back to a V-day. Hope ya'll have a good one.



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